Rob Lucci

Rob Lucci from One Piece

Goku Vs Broly

goku vs broly


Two River Character

Ridley Wizen is a Kobold noble and General of the Two River Army. He is highly respected by Kobolds in Dunan and somewhat distrustful of humans due to prior conflicts. Boris Wizen is Ridley's son, trained to be a strategist at an academy in the Nameless Lands. If Ridley is killed during the game, Boris will take his place among the 108 Stars of Destiny.

Sid is Winger infamously disliked for his odd behavior. Chaco is a skilled Winger thief who eventually motivates the Winger forces to defend all of Two River. He is the grandson of Susu, the Winger Village's leader. Makai (not a Star of Destiny) is an indecsive plenipotentiary for Two River and represents the human, Kobold, and Winger districts of Two River. Gabocha is a Kobold who idolizes Gengen.

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Mugiwara's crew play music !


"My Blo9 V!s!t0R C0m3 Fr0m"

Dynamic Entry

Dynamic Entry

RUUNN !!!!! Kyuub! Attack !!!!

naruto sprite animationNaruto Running SasoriNaruto Running KisameNaruto Running ItachiNaruto Running DeidaraNaruto Running Zetsu

^^My L3m4cK P3T^^