Other Outlanders

Miximillian is the ex-captain of the Maximillian Knights, who returns to fight while the rest of his contemporaries have retired. Futch is a dragon rider from the Toran Republic, who finds a new dragon, Bright, after the loss of his previous dragon, Black. Humprey is a former soldier for the Scarlet Moon Empire who was involved in the Gate Rune Wars and travels with Futch. Sheena of Kouan, a notorious flirt connected to Apple, is the son of Lepant, current president of the Toran Republic, and his wife, Eileen. Tetsu is a bathmaker from Toran.
Simone Verdricci is a wealthy aristocrat from the former Scarlet Moon Empire. The arrogant aristocrat, Vincent de Boule, is a friend of Simone who avoids associating with lower class people.
Georg Prime is a travelling swordsman who has made a name for himself from the Grasslands to Falena. Killey is a mysterious man from northern Falena looking for Sindar Ruins. Lorelai, his rival, is also a seeker of Sindar ruins and a treasure hunter
Pesmerga, a mysterious Black Knight whose origins are unknown, joins the army in order to find Yuber, continuing his quest from Suikoden I.
Lucia (not a Star of Destiny) is the Chief of the Karaya clan who seeks to avenge her father, Kianu, the previous chief who was poisoned by Alec Wisemail and Gorudo. To this end, she works as an assassin for the Highland Army.
Mondo is a veteran ninja from Rokkaku. Sasuke is a student of Mondo's and studied alongside Kasumi, who is sent to aid the Dunan Unification Army by orders of Lepant. Valeria is a swordwoman previously involved in the Gate Rune War. She is sent to participate join Dunan Unification Army by Lepant. Only one of the two (Kasumi or Valeria) are recruitable. Anita is swordfigher who studied under Roundier Haia and is a rival of Valeria, defeating Valeria only once out of eleven duels. She bears the Falcon Rune.
Miklotov is the Captain of the Blue Knights of the Knightdom of Matilda and is from Rockaxe. Camus is the Captain of the Red Knights of Matilda and is from Camoro. His older brother is a member of the Free Knights of Camoro. Tony is a farmer from Matilda who takes refuge in the Forest Village when Highland invades.
Meg is a trickster and the niece of Juppo, from Suikoden I. Gadget is a mechanical entity made by Juppo for Meg, who improves upon its design. Millie is a highly eccentric girl who owns an eight-eyed groundhog named Bonaparte and is found wandering Ryube Village. She is secretly a sorceress with the rare affinity for the Blue Gate Rune.
Gordon is a merchant from Toran. Bolgan is a fire-breather from Zexen, Rina is a Grassland girl who tells fortunes, and Eilie is her younger sister and a knife thrower. The three of them are travelling performers. Annallee is a singer who travels with her adopted family, musicians Pico and Alberto.
Lebrante is an appraiser and Hans is an armourer; both are from Zexen. Tai Ho is a fisherman and well-known smuggler who has travelled the high seas. Fellow fisherman Yam Koo is his sworn brother. Tsai is a master spearfighter known as "Tsai of the Divine Spear" for piercing an iron helmut with his spear. Tomo is his daughter, who is equally skilled in the use of spears. She will occupy the Star of Destiny that is vacant as a result of choosing between either Kasumi or Valeria.
Hanna is a warrior from the Nameless Lands who likes children and to eat meat. Genshu is a reformed swordsman obsessed with powerful swords, such as the Star Dragon Sword. Rikimaru is a swordsman seeking vengeance. Gantetsu is an excommunicated monk who puts great emphasis on physical strength.
Wakaba is a martial arts apprentice from the Southlands who trains in the forest near Greenhill. Long Chan Chan is a martial artist and Wakaba's teacher. Oulan is a veteran bodyguard and martial artist who loves to defend the weak and search for worthy opponents. Hix is a warrior-in-training from the Warrior's Village and Tengaar is his girlfriend.
Richmond is a private detective. Stallion is an elf who bears the Godspeed Rune. Templeton is a cartographer from Kanakan. Yuzu is a knowledgable farmer searching for her grandfather. Hai Yo is a cook from the Black Dragon Island, south of the Grasslands. Hoi is a Kanakan thief who impersonates Riou.
Raura is a rune mistress with unknown origins and a long-time friend of Jeane. Mazus is a powerful magician who studied under Crowley and seeks to defeat his master. He likes to experiment with magic. Zamza is a narccist magic instructor who believes mages must be physically strong as well as intelligent. Bob is a werewolf whose village was destroyed by the sorceress Windy. He carries a rune that allows him to retain human form unless he is weakened.
The hero of Suikoden I and once leader of the Toran Liberation Army, is a wanderer travelling with his servant, Gremio, since the end of the Gate Rune Wars.
LucA mysterious mage sent by Leknaat, the Keeper of the Balance, who aids Riou only at her request. He actively works to fight the Harmonian reinforcements granted to the Highland. Luc was previously involved in the Gate Rune Wars and bears the True Wind Rune.
Once a student of Mathiu Silverberg, Apple is a tactician who was involved in the Gate Rune Wars and convinces Shu to join the Dunan Unification Army. She serves as a secondary

Leon Silverberg
Leon is a famed strategist from the Toran Republic and is capable of derailing most of Shu's plans. He was previously involved in the Gate Rune Wars and sides with the Highland Army because he believes that they will likely win the war, thus allowing it to end sooner and spare more lives. He is also responsible for summoning the Black Knight Yuber to fight in the war.
A rather clueless girl who possesses the ability to teleport because she bears the Blinking Rune. She appears before the leader of the Dunan Unification Army within the Erud Forest.
Sierra Mikain
The bearer of the Blue Moon and the Coven Mistress of Village of the Blue Moon Rune. She is searching for Neclord, a rune-using vampire and former ally of the sorceress Windy.
Sierra inherited the Blue Moon Rune in an unspecified event over eight hundred years ago and is the original vampire of the Suikoden world. Overpowered by the rune, she succumbed to feeding off of other human beings to quench her unsatiable thirst for blood. To escape this fate, she left the world behind and retreated into a forest and took refuge in an abandoned residence. As other people wandered into her forest to commit suicide, she ended up granting them immortality with the rune and formed the Blue Moon Village. The village thrived under the rune's protection until it was stolen by Neclord; the villagers became demonic and Sierra, unaffected by the rune's loss, was forced to hunt them down. She meets Nach Lachcke during a hunt for Rean Penenberg, the first person Sierra transformed into a vampire, and ends Rean's life with Nash's help.
Sierra leaves Nash and proceeds to Tinto after hearing of Neclord's presence there. With the help of Viktor, wielder of the Star Dragon Sword, and vampire hunter Kahn Marley, she is able to defeat Neclord and recover the Blue Moon Rune.
Highland Kingdom and allies

With Riou, he joins the Highland Unicorn Youth Brigade. When the brigade is slaughtered as a result of Luca Blight, he and Riou escape and are separated. Jowy is rescued by a girl named Pilika and her parents. He and Riou are reunited when they are both captured by Viktor's mercenaries. They escape, but are arrested by their former brigade leader and then rescued by Viktor and Flik. The boys become involved in the Dunan Unification War and eventually each inherit half of the Rune of Beginning; Jowy becomes the bearer of the Black Sword Rune.
The two end up on opposite sides of the conflict when Jowy volunteers to become a spy for the army and is caught by the Highlanders. Jowy joins Luca Blight, believing he can work from within to bring about a better future. Jowy eventually becomes a general in Highland, marries Jillia Blight, and secretly plots against Luca with Leon Silverberg.
With Luca's death, Jowy is forced to focus all his energy into using the Black Sword Rune to keep the Beast Rune at bay. He and Riou are forced to directly confront each other, as destined by the opposing forces of the Rune of Beginning. Upon his army's defeat, Jowy flees from the Highland and joins Riou and Nanami as they travel around the world.
Luca Blight
Luca (not a Star of Destiny) is the primary antagonist of Suikoden II and the heir to the Highland Kingdom as well as the bearer of the Beast Rune. Known for his unmatched cruelty and bloodlust, Luca is referred to as the "Mad Prince"; the source of his anger resulted from an attack on the Highland royalty's entourage by ruffians. Luca was traveling with his mother, Sara, and father when they were attacked by a group of ruffians. Luca's father fled in fear, leaving Luca and his mother to their mercy; Sara was raped repeatedly, while Luca was forced to witness the ordeal. He would later discover the ruffians were hired by Muse; he has since developed a profound hatred to the Jowston Alliance and his father, Agares, the incompetent King of Highland.
Luca gains military control over the Highland Army when Agares steps down to take responsibility the ceasefire signed in Jowston. With his newfound power, Luca instigates another war with Jowston and uses the Beast Rune, beginning a plot that involves massacring the entire Unicorn Youth Brigade and blaming the incident on Jowston. He rapidly attacks and conquers the city-states of Jowston and successfully conspires with Jowy Atreides to assassinate Agares. Though initially unstoppable, the collaborative efforts of Leon Silverberg, Shu, and Jowy bring about his downfall at the hands of the Dunan Unification Army.
Jillia BlightJillia (not a Star of Destiny) is Luca's younger half-sister and the Princess of the Highland Kingdom. She was born as result of the rape of Luca's mother when the Highland royalty were ambushed by ruffians from Muse. She bears a strong resemblance to her mother, who died shortly after Jillia was born, and is the only person Luca allows to speak on equal terms with him.
Jillia marries Jowy Atreides, who had been rapidly promoted in the Highland military structure, and ends up caring for Pilika, whom Jowy and Jillia adopt as their daughter. When Luca is killed, Jillia inherits the throne and Jowy becomes Commander-in-Chief of the Highland military. Upon Highland's defeat, Jowy arranges for her to flee with Pilika to a manor in Harmonia
Other Highland allies
Solon Jhee (not a Star of Destiny) is a member of the powerful Jhee family of Highland and a general of the Highland Army. Though initially a threatening force who conquers Muse and Southwindow, his recklessness and assumptions allowed the allied forces of Jowston to defeat him. He is executed by Luca Blight as a result of his incompetence. Culgan and Seed are officers who serve under Solon and later Jowy.Han Cunningham (not a Star of Destiny), a hero of the earlier Jowston-Highland Wars, is a general of the Highland Army and leads it against the forces of Muse. He is a previous bearer of the Black Sword Rune.
Gorudo is the leader of the Matilda Knights, who later betrays the knights to join the Highland Kingdom. He works with Alec Wisemail to poison the Chief of the Karaya clan and kills (or wounds) Nanami before he dies.
Kiba Windamier is the General of the Highland's 3rd Army and is loyal to Agares Blight, but not to his son Luca, and readily surrenders when defeated by the allied forces. Klaus Windamier is the highly acclaimed strategist for the 3rd Highland Army and Kiba's mild-mannered son. He later becomes Shu's pupil. Gilbert is the leader of mercenaries hired by the Highland during the attack on Muse, but defects to join Viktor.
Tinto Republic Character

Gustav Pendragon is the Mayor of Tinto and is against joining the Jowston Alliance, which he believes is weak. He previously was involved in the Gate Rune War and cooperated with Southwindow to invade the Senan area of the Scarlet Moon Empire, but were eventually defeated from the Toran Republic Army. Gustav blamed the defeat on Granmeyer, who withdrew his troops during the battle, and went to attack the Grasslands in accordance the wishes of the citizens. He asserts Tinto's independence during the Dunan Unification War and declares himself its president, taking on the surname "Pendragon" to reflect his new status.
Gustav's beloved daughter is Lilly Pendragon, who is kidnapped by Neclord, but rescued by Viktor, Kahn Marley, and Sierra Mikain. Gijimu is the leader of the Lampdragon Bandits. Lo Wen is member of the Lampdragon Bandits and is originally from Two River. Koyu is Gijimu and Lo Wen's younger brother. Tenkou is a window-maker.
Two River Character

Sid is Winger infamously disliked for his odd behavior. Chaco is a skilled Winger thief who eventually motivates the Winger forces to defend all of Two River. He is the grandson of Susu, the Winger Village's leader. Makai (not a Star of Destiny) is an indecsive plenipotentiary for Two River and represents the human, Kobold, and Winger districts of Two River. Gabocha is a Kobold who idolizes Gengen.
Greenhill Character

Suikoden I
Nina is a student at the New Leaf Academy who leads the students at the academy to fight when the Highland Army invades and later brings supplies to Teresa when she is in hiding. She is easily attracted to foreign men. Jeane, the mysterious Rune Mistress previously involved in the Gate Rune Wars, is a teacher of rune mastery at the New Leaf Academy and later flees to Two River when Greenhill falls. She has appeared in all Suikoden games to date. Jude is a sculptor who teaches the art of blacksmithing. Emilia is an analytical and well-studied librarian.
Mukumuku is the leader of a five squirrel squad found in Greenhill Forest and a childhood friend of Riou and Jowy. Connell is a phonology student Ayda is the protector of the Greenhill Forest. Kinnison develops a crush on her.
Southwindow Character

Granmeyer (not a Star of Destiny) is the peace loving Mayor of Southwindow who was previously involved in the Gate Rune Wars. He and Southwindow immediately come to the aid of Anabelle and Muse when it is attacked by Solon Jhee; ironically, he surrenders when Southwindow is attacked to avoid making the citizens suffer only to be executed soon after. Freed Yamamoto is an extremely serious aide to Granmeyer and helps him prepare Southwindow for the war against the Highlanders. His wife is Yoshino Yamamoto, the daughter of a wealthy family from Radat with poor eyesight but adept skill with the naginata.
Adlai is an eccentric inventor who invents the elevator. Alex is a relentless pursuer of the secrets of Sindar. Hilda is his wife and an innkeeper from Southwindow.
City-States of Jowston Character
Anabelle (not a Star of Destiny) is the Mayor of Muse and the chair of the Jowston Alliance, who tries unsuccessfully to unite the various factions within Jowston. Jess is the deputy mayor of Muse and flees the city with 5000 soldiers believing that Riou was responsible for Anabelle's assassination.
Hauser is powerful warrior and the General of the Muse Army, who follows orders without question. Fitcher appears foolish to deceive others into underestimating him, but is actually quite perceptive . He is in charge of Foreign Affairs for Muse.
Huan is a doctor. Tuta is a travelling doctor and Huan's apprentice, who joins Viktor's mercenaries as a field medic.
Viktor's Mercenaries
Viktor is the leader of a group of mercenaries and was once involved in the Gate Rune Wars. He becomes involved in the Dunan Unification War as a result of a promise to Anabelle to lead a mercenary force for Muse. Flik is a mercenary known as the "Blue Lightning" and helped form Viktor's mercenary force at the request of Anabelle.
Nanami is Riou's adopted sister and a martial artist. Whether she survives or not in Suikoden II is dependent on whether the player is able to gather all 108 Stars of Destiny and make certain decisions before she is killed by Gorudo. She wields a three sectional staff.
Pohl (not a Star of Destiny) looks after Riou and Jowy when they are captured by Viktor and convinces Viktor and Flik to find the boys when they escape. Kinnison is a hunter who lives in the forest near Ryube with his wolf-dog, Shiro. He joins Viktor's mercenaries to drive off the Highland soldiers and fights with a bow and arrows. Gengen is a Kobold warrior known for his keen intellect. Barbara is the quartermaster of the mercenaries' fortress.
Dunan Unification Army

Suikoden II

This is Suikoden II, the game that play in PS 1 or Playstation 1. The story of this game is two childhood friends, Riou (the player's character) and Jowy Atriedes. The two are members of the Unicorn Brigade, a youth division of the Highland Army, and are preparing to go home when a peace treaty is seemingly broken by soldiers of the Jowston City-State. It is later revealed that the Highland Prince Luca Blight and the Unicorn Brigade's own Captain Rowd orchestrated the massacre of the youths and blamed it on Jowston, thus giving Highland a reason to commence an invasion. Riou and Jowy flee the campsite and find a waterfall. They promise to return to this spot if they're ever lost or in trouble, then jump into the waterfall. The story is so long, so I only can tell the story until here. Suikoden II is role playing game with strategic elements covering those gameplay options pertaining to large scale confrontations, such as between two armies. The player controls a silent protagonist and travels with them around the world map. The player can also recruit new characters to his cause, often involving a short sidequest to do so. In towns, the player can gather information, sharpen characters' weaponry, and buy equipment; wilderness areas generally feature random encounters with monsters. There are 3 different types of combat:
Regular battles: The party the player has selected faces off with 1-6 enemies. This battle type is considered typical in RPGs, containing options for attack, magic(Runes), items, etc. This is the only battle style where the player can gain experience, items, or Potch(money).
Duels: The main character is pitted against another character in single combat. This style of fighting only has three moves: Attack, Wild Attack, and Defend. This duel is played in a Rock, Paper, Scissors style where "Attack" beats "Defend", "Wild Attack" beats "Attack" and "Defend" beats "Wild Attack". The player can usually tell what kind of attack the enemy is going to perform by the taunts displayed.
Massive battles: More interactivity was added to this element of the gameplay over that of its predecessor. While some of the shades of the old "Rock, Paper, Scissors" style battle of the original (where cavalry beats archers, archers beat magic and magic beats cavalry), Suikoden II introduces a grid style battle system reminiscent to that of the Romance of Three Kingdom games. As the main character recruits characters for his castle, this opens up more options for more units. Certain characters are 'unit leaders' while others are 'supports'. Every character adds a certain amount of defense or attack to a unit. In addition, certain characters also add special abilities to the unit they are attached to. The numbers affect the chances of win or loss as much as the type of units being pitted against each other. Every unit may take up to a total of two 'losses' which are counted when a unit suffers a severe amount of casualties. Each skirmish they take part in might result in no loss, loss on one side, or even loss on both sides. As mentioned before, certain characters add special abilities to the units. Examples of these abilities include being able to take more losses than usual, magic or archery to allow attacks from a distance, healing of itself or others, etc.
"Giv3 M3 @ ComM3nT"

It's Okay

Please, give me a comment !!! If you don't have any comment or reason the baby will angry with you like picture above !!! or maybe more scary, you will kissed by monkey like picture beside !!!
So, Please give me a comment !!!
"Pl3a$3 D0N'T F0Rg3T"
"Sponge Bob Square Pants"

Friends, This is my favourite film !!! The name is "Sponge Bob Square Pants". Sponge Bob Square Pants is a sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, while his octupus neighbor Squidward Tentacles . SpongeBob's other neighbor and best friend is a pink starfish named Patrick Star, who lives under a rock. SpongeBob and Patrick live on either side of Squidward, much to Squidward's despair. Squidward is constantly annoyed by Spongebob and Patrick's antics. Sandy and SpongeBob were fighting on a tall structure called the Sea Needle, referring to the Space Nedlle a tall structure in Seattle. Stephen has said that he wants to leave the location of Bikini Bottom to the imagination, claiming that Baywatch scene was just a reference to his favorite show of all time.SpongeBob's house-pet is a snail named gary, whose "meow" is similar to a cat.SpongeBob, who is absorbent, yellow, and porous, works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, a fast-food-restaurant, with Squidward as the cashier. The Krusty Krab is owned by Eugene H. Krabs (Mr. Krabs). Sheldon J. Plankton is Mr. Krabs's arch enemy who owns a low-rank fast-food restaurant called The Chum Bucket across the street from the Krusty Krab. The Chum Bucket has almost never had a customer, and Plankton spends most of his time plotting to steal the recipe for Mr. Krabs's popular Krabby Patties burgers.
"Funny Cartoon Comics" ( Indonesian Version )
Hello every body !!! Today I make a Funny comic, or Not so Funny comic. You can see the above of my posting, there is a piece of a funny comic. this comic I made with Wisnu and Jeki. Wisnu help me in configuration and the setting while Jeki help me in the word ( kata-kata). This comic I make with Wisnu and Jeki at TIK Room or Computer Room in my school. I make this comic with Paint Program, not a Photoshop. This comic make me relax if I frustated, So, you must see this comic !!!! Don't Forget !!

Loook !!!! That's Casper !!!! Our friends !!! ( ha ha ha ) !! Okay, now I will give a little information about Casper. Casper is depicted as a ghostly little boy, it is a source of controversy by fans of the series in regards to the question of whether or not he is, in fact, a dead child. Early Casper cartoons seemed to suggest this, as they portrayed him "living" beside a gravestone. Specifically, the short There's Good Boos To-Night featured Ferdie, a fox befriended by Casper coming back from the dead as a ghost. Casper's death (as well as the reason why he become friendly) has become disputed since then.This somewhat macabre premise was later abandoned in favor of the idea that ghosts were merely a type of creature, similar to ghouls, goblins, etc. He was thereafter portrayed with feet and shown to have ghostly parents.
Death Note

This is Death Note. This story tell about a student that get a Death Note Book. The name is Light Yagami. Light Yagami is an extremely intelligent young man who resents the crime and corruption in the world. His life undergoes a drastic change in the year 2003, when he discovers a mysterious notebook, known as the "Death Note", lying on the ground. The Death Note's instructions claim that if a human's name is written within it, that person shall die. Light is initially skeptical of the notebook's authenticity, but after experimenting with it, Light realizes that the Death Note is real. After meeting with the previous owner of the Death Note, a shinigami named Ryuk, Light seeks to become "the God of the new world" by passing his judgment on those he deems to be evil or who get in his way.

"Ranma 1/2"

You know this anime ? or maybe this comic ? If you don't know anything about this comic or anime ! I will tell you !!! Okay, the name of this manga or anime is Ranma 1/2. Ranma Saotome is a sixteen year-old boy, he lives with Genma Saotome, Ranma's Father. has lived most of his life as a wandering martial artist with his father and frequent sparring partner Genma. On a training journey in the Bayankala Mountain Range in the Qinghai Province of China, the two fall into the cursed springs at Jusenkyo. When someone falls into a cursed spring, they take the physical form of whatever drowned there hundreds or thousands of years ago whenever they come into contact with cold water. The cursed will revert when exposed to hot water until their next cold water exposure. Genma fell into the Spring of the Drowned Panda while Ranma fell into the Spring of Drowned Girl. The story opens with the pair coming to settle in the dojo of Genma's old friend Soun Tendo. Soun have 3 daughter, there are : Kasumi, Nabiki and Akane.
Akane is Ranma's betrothed but it is their parents opinion. Ranma goes to school with Akane at Furinkan High School, where he meets his recurring opponent Tatewaki Kunou, the kendo team captain who is aggressively pursuing Akane, but who also falls in love with Ranma's female form without discovering his curse. Ranma's regular rivals, the eternally lost Ryoga Hibiki, that can evolve to Mouse if contact with cold water, and Ranma's perverted grandmaster Happosai. The okonomitaki vendor and his second betrothed and childhood friend Ukyo Kounji, along with the Chinese Amazon Shan Pu, supported by her great-grandmother Ke Lun. As the series progresses, the school becomes more eccentric with the return of the headmaster of Furinkan High Schoo; and the placement of the power-leeching alternating child/adult Hinako Ninomiya has Ranma's English teacher.
Now if you don't understand about the character on text above I will tell you again.

Because he train with his father, suddenly Ranma fall at Spring of Drowned Girl. Ranma will evolve to girl if he contact with cold water and he can back to the boy if he contact wit hot water.

Genma is Ranma's father, he have bad habits like selfish, avricious, and not sensitive. Same with Ranma, Genma fall at Spring of Drowned Panda. Genma will evolve to Panda if he contact with cold water and he can back to the his body if he contact wit hot water.

Nodoka is Ranma's mother, She hasn't seen him and Genma in over a decade though, when they left on their training trip. Stating that a doting mother would hinder Ranma's training, Genma made a contract with her to raise Ranma as "man amongst men", and if he failed, he and Ranma were kill itself.

Akane is Soun's youngest daughter at age 16. She is a very insecure, awkward and sensitive girl with a hot temper and a big heart. After first encountering Ranma's male form as a naked stranger in the bathroom and becoming further upset by his insults.

Soun is Akane, Nabiki, Kasumi father. Soun habits is same with Genma.

Nabiki is the middle daughter of Soun. She loves money above all else and is willing to sacrifice anyone to gain more of it, even ruin her family to win a bet. In most stories that she plays a vital role, she either attempts to extort money from someone, or sets up dangerous situations for her own amusement, or both in combination.

Kasumi is the eldest of the Tendo girls, and the most traditional in the Japanese sense. She has graduated high school and spends most of her day looking after the Tendo household.
Shan Pu :
Shampoo came to Japan to kill the female Ranma after he defeated her in an annual martial contest, so he and Genma could eat the prize, a fully stocked banquet table. She gave Ranma's female form the "Kiss of Death", a promise to track her down and eventually kill her. Later, after being defeated by Ranma in male form, she gave him the "Kiss of Marriage."

Ryoga is a childhood rival of Ranma's and is famous for losing his way thanks to a horrible sense of direction. After spending months looking for male Ranma for leaving before their planned duel, he finally finds him in China but gets pushed into a Jusenkyo spring by female Ranma and now changes into a small piglet.

The very definition of a dirty old man, Unfortunately for Ranma, he was the incorrigible old freak's choice. He is an immensely skilled and powerful martial artist, with but one weakness : bras and panties.
"AmaZ!ng ComB0"

Look !!! Everybody !!! I have a Amazing Combo !!! To use this combo you must have Brook Card, Thriller Bark Card, Brook Ship Card. First you must summon Brook to the field and active the effect of Brook. Brook can only summon by sacrifice 2534 opponent LP. The effect is Brook can

Yu-Gi-Oh R

This is my favourite comic. the name is Yu-Gi-Oh R. Yu-Gi-Oh R is continue from Yu-Gi-Oh. n Yu-Gi-Oh! R, adopted son of Pegasus J. Crawford ,Yakou Tenma, decides to avenge his senpai's defeat at the hands of Yugi Mutou , since Tenma sees blood next to a card, suggesting that Pegasus committed suicide after his loss. He is certain that Pegasus is dead, since the card is of his late wife, Cyndia (Cecelia Pegasus in the English anime), and Pegasus was very devoted to his wife. The blood on the card and the fact that Pegasus does not have it signifies that he has lost his lifelong dream of resurrecting his wife, and Tenma therefore assumes that he is dead. Tenma takes over KaibaCorp while Seto Kaiba is in the United States. Tenma kidnaps Azu Mazaki (Téa Gardner in the English anime), prompting Yugi and his friend Jounouchi Katsuya (Joey Wheeler in the English anime) to face Tenma's RA Project (RA stands for "Rebirth of an Avatar") and the duel professors. Seto Kaiba and his brother Mokuba also come to the scene to rescue the company.
Ragnarok Online

This is my favorite Game Online. the name is Ragnarok Online. Ragnarok Online reffered RO. This game is produced by GRAVITY. Both a mouse and a keyboard are required to play Ragnarok Online. The heads-up display consists of a log and chat window, a minimap, various menus and a status window detailing the current hit points and spell points, progress towards leveling up and encumbrance of the character as well as the amount of money he or she possesses. All characters have a Base Level, which allows for the growth of the character's attributes, (STR, AGI, DEX, INT, VIT, and LUK). Each attribute costs a certain amount of points to increase it by 1, which is given each time a character has leveled up its Base Level,.All characters also have a Job Level which allows for the growth of the character's job. After each Job Level you are given 1 skill point which is used to level up a job skill.
Crayon Shinchan

This is my favourite cartoon too. The name is Crayon Shinchan. The series follows the antics of five-year-old Shinnosuke Nohara and his parents, neighbors, friends, etc., and is set in Kasukabe, Saitama, Japan. It is called "Crayon Shin-chan" because "crayon" signifies the fact that Shin-chan goes to kindergarten. "Shin-chan" is the affectionate name for the main character.
Shinchan habit is very bad, he like annoy people in his town, makes commotion.

This is my favourite cartoon. The name is Dorabase. his comic follows the story of other robotic cats that form a baseball club. Though it shows Doraemon in the beginning, it doesn't focus on Doraemon itself (because Doraemon must go back to the past to help Nobita). The group is led by Kuroemon, a cat that looks like Doraemon, only it has ears and black fur (Doraemon doesn't have fur). It features a lot of imaginary ability, and in the baseball game, is allowed to use up to 3 gadgets.The main characters' team. Started out as a rookie team that never wins, until Hiroshi joined up as the new pitcher (replacing Doraemon) and help them win their first victory against the Mongas team. Before Hiroshi's arrival into the team, the team is made up exclusively of cat-like robots, like Doraemon. K