Is a member of the Shicibukai who currently resides on the floating island, Thriller Bark. His former bounty was 320 million belli. He is the main antagonist of the Thriller Bark arc. He is the one who stole Brook's, and various other beings' shadows with the use of the Kage kage No Mi. For this an old man with a big wound, Spoil, requested from Luffy to defeat him. Moria is an incredibly lazy guy. His motto is "Relying upon others for one’s own objective" and his favorite phrase is "You do it!!" Like other characters in One Piece, he has disntict laughter which goes "Ki shi shi shi". He apparently wants to be the new Pirate King and believes that if he has strong underlings, he achieve anything towards this goal. He almost always smiles and only seems to change expression when something comes up which is a bother to him happens. He maintains a relaxed and laid back stance at all times, seemingly appearing to think he cannot lose. Like Luffy, he had many good friends in the past, considering them valuable nakama (thus making him the third Shicibukai whom had something in common with Luffy, the first being Sir Crocodile and the second beinb BlackBeard), but his loss to Kaidou changed his outlook on life severely. He has a big penis also and likes to suck it by removing ribs.
Dr. Hogback :
Is a world famous doctor, who according to Chopper saved as many people as there are stars in the sky. One day he disappeared from the public eye, causing turmoil in the medical community. Nami, Usopp and Chopper meet him on Thriller Bark, and he explains to them that he is researching the nature of life and death using the zombies on the island. This is later exposed as a lie when the crew discovers that Hogback himself created the zombies, and is a crew mate of Gecko Moria, who breathes life into Hogback's zombies with the shadows he steals. Like many other characters in One Piece, Hogback has a unique laugh, which is a high-pitched fosfosfosfos.Dr. Hogback's dream was to create the world's strongest zombie as well as bringing Cindry back to life. Both of these dreams have been fulfilled thanks to Moria's powers. After learning Hogback's secret, Chopper resents his experiments in zombification for being intended for personal gain rather than the progress of medical science. During his battle against Chopper and Robin, Hogback reveals that he never cared about saving lives and the reason he went into hiding was because so many people were coming to him seeking treatment, and that he became a doctor only for the money. He almost dies during Oz's rampage on Thriller Bark, when he tries to speak with the giant zombie but is squished under his massive foot. However, Hogback survives from the attack, and it is later seen escaping from Thriller Bark with Absalom and a knocked out Moria in a ship
Absalom :
he is one of Gecko Moria's henchmen. He commands the soldier sect of zombies on Thriller Bark, and his subordinates have a tendency of making fun of his perverted nature, referring to him as "Erosalom" (Perv-salom). Although first revealed as an invisible man, his true form is that of a man with various animal parts surgically implanted onto his person by Dr. Hogback. These animal parts include a lion's face, the thick skin of an elephant and the condensed muscles of various bears and gorillas. He has eaten the Suke Suke no mi, which allows him to turn invisible on demand and to turn objects or persons invisible if he touches them. Incidentally, this devil fruit was Sanji's childhood dream. He uses this ability to conceal a pair of bazookas strapped to his arms, which allows him to fire blasts which seem to to come from nowhere. The blasts are incredibly powerful, capable of mowing down trees and setting fiery explosions. Like many other characters in One Piece, Absalom has a unique laugh, his is a growl-like garurururu. He kidnaps Nami and attempts to marry her, but is stopped by Sanji. He fights with Sanji for abit, and Sanji defeats him, landing kicks so powerful that his thick skin failed to save him. He later recovers and tries to take Nami as his bride again, but this time he is finally defeated by Nami with a a Thunder Charge:Swing Arm, since he was badly injured after the previous fight with Sanji. After the defeat of Moria, he escapes Thriller Bark with Hogback and Moria.
Perona :
Perona is a girl dressed in the style of Gothic Lolita and a commander in the army of Gecko Moria. She is also the commander of Perona Wonder Garden, where an army of animal zombies live and protect her. She loots the Thousand Sunny with some zombies and later takes on guard duty while Absalom is attempting to marry Nami. She cannot stand anything that she feels is not cute, such as insects. Perona's dream is to have her own country made up of cute zombie animals with her as their leader. Like many other characters in One Piece, Perona has a unique laugh, which is horohorohoro.
Perona has eaten the Horo Horo no mi which allows her to create several ghostly apparitions. The ghosts can pass through someone to cause them to go into a sort of induced depression. Other versions of these ghosts can be used as extremely powerful bombs and vary in size. Aside from being able to create ghosts, Perona herself is also able to use ghostly powers such as flight, intangibility, and size manipulation, however, in order to do so Perona must leave her physical body. She is defeated by Usopp, who is seemingly the only person immune to her "hollow" attacks.
She later awakens and decides to flee Thriller Bark in the wake of Oz's rampage. After loading the Straw Hat's ship with food and treasure, she is confronted by Bartholomew Kuma. Perona attempts to capture the Shichibukai for Gecko Moria, but is transported to an unknown location by Kuma.
Victoria Cindry :
is Dr. Hogback's servant. She hates plates, to the extent of serving food directly onto the table, and constantly expresses her wish for all of the world's plates to vanish. According to Hogback, she has a tragic past - her master proposed to her, that she could test his love for her. But then she crushed his ten valuable plates, and he rejected her, and thus she has a habit of throwing plates. Her zombie number is 400.
Her history is later revealed to be a lie, and Hogback reveals her real story. Ten years ago Dr. Hogback proposed to Cindry, but she rejected him because she already had a fiance. Later she fell from stage and died in an accident. Dr. Hogback was devastated when he found out and later made a deal with Gecko Moria that he'd work for him if he could bring Cindry back to life.
The zombie Cindry is killed when Moria absorbs all of the shadows of the Thriller Bark zombies.
Hildon :
is one of Dr. Hogback's servants. He was introduced in chapter 444, and anime episode 339. He takes Nami, Usopp and Chopper to the mysterious Dr. Hogback's mansion. He looks like a vampire and has the ability to fly with his bat wings. His zombie number is 21. Hildon is killed when Moria absorbs all the shadows of the Thriller Bark zombies.
Kumasy :
A patchwork bear zombie with a zipper in its back and a hollow body. Despite his less-threatening appearance, Kumasy has greater strength than a full-grown bear and is the captain of Perona's Zombie Animals. Perona hates it when Kumasy talks and scolds him for doing so. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper are able to elude their zombie pursuers by unzipping Kumasy's back and hiding inside. He is purified by Usopp in Chapter 465.
is a zombie-warthog many times the size of a normal human, found on Thriller Bark. She is franatically in love with Absalom. In her first appearance in chapter 451, she begs him to marry her, but is frantically rejected because he wants a "living female human" as bride and not a "dead and rotting female warthog". She fights in a style called "Bridal Martial Arts", and in chapter 471 she is seen using two large swords.
Zombie Lola's shadow comes from the pirate Lola, who inhabits the forest of Thriller Bark with her crew.
Buhichuck :
is the boss of the "surprise zombies", in the dining room. At first glance he looks like an ordinary taxidermied pig's head mounted on the wall, but he can come to life and wield a pair of swords mounted below him as throwing weapons using concealed hands. According to him, there are more surprise zombies hidden in every room of Doctor Hogback's mansion. His zombie number is 298. Like many other characters in One Piece, Buhichuck has a unique laugh, which is buhihihihi.
Samurai Ryuma :
is a deceased elite swordsman from the New World island "Wano Country", who Hogback said lived centuries ago. He is the vessel for Brooks shadow. He is well-known for slaying a dragon. Ryuma defeats Brook and prepares to slice off his afro, but is stopped by Roronoa Zoro, who defeats the swordsman and receives his sword as a result.
Samurai Ryuma is the name of a character from the story Monsters, written by Eiichiro Oda prior to One Piece. Oda has confirmed that the two characters are the same individual.
Oz :
is the 900th zombie created by Dr. Hogback for Gecko Moria. His physical appearance is that of a red, massive, horned creature even larger than a normal giant. In his past life he was known as 'the Demon of the Frozen Land', having conquered and mercilessly ruled over many countries and islands over five-hundred years ago. His 'rebirth' as a zombie is an event of great importance to the crew of Thriller Bark. In order to make Oz the strongest zombie ever created, Gecko Moria implants the shadow of Straw Hat Luffy into the zombie's body.
Having Luffy's shadow in his body, Oz's attacks have names similar to Luffy's moves (Gomu Gomu no Scythe, Gomu Gomu no Volcano). Though he is initially incapable of stretching his body, he gains this ability when Gecko Moira takes control of his body. Despite his immense size, Oz is extremely fast, moving so quick that he almost disappears for an instant before unleashing an attack. Making matters worse, small doses of salt have no effect on him because of his size. These characteristics gave the Straw Hats an immensely hard time when fighting him, to the point where they were almost defeated until Luffy showed up in his guise as 'NIghtmare Luffy'. As Nightmare Luffy, Luffy is able to thrash Oz soundly, but the giant zombie still manages to remain conscious when the time limit for the shadows stored in Luffy's body is up.
Oz is ultimately defeated by the combined efforts of the entire Straw Hat crew, in which Nami freezes his legs to keep him still while several other Straw Hats force his spine into an upright position. Finally, in Gear Third, Luffy shatters his spine with a full force "Gomu Gomu no Gigantic Bazooka", rendering him immobile. He is killed when Gecko Moria absorbs the shadows of all of the Thriller Bark zombies.
His name is the Japanese name for the Norse god Óðr.