Sonic Underground and his siblings, pink hedgehog is an animated series that follows the adventures of Sonic the HedgehogSonia and green-hued Manic. Sonic Underground bears little relation to the often complex Sonic universe.
Sonic, Sonia, and Manic are the children of Queen Aleena the Hedgehog. They are chased by Doctor Robotnik and his bumbling bounty hunter sidekicks, Sleet and Dingo. The reason that he is chasing the three is because of a prophecy made by the Oracle of Delphius (a spoof of the Oracle of Delphi of Ancient Greece) saying that the Queen's three children will one day find their mother, overthrow Robotnik, and together become the rulers of Mobius again.
The three siblings have powerful medallions that not only change into musical instruments but also into weapons when the triplets are in perfect harmony with each other. Sonic's medallion is an electric guitar/gun, Sonia's medallion is a keyboard/smoke machine/gun, Manic's medallion is a drumset/Earth controller/gun. The three use the amulets not only to fight Robotnik's forces but to also have instruments for their underground rock band, Sonic Underground. Sonic, Sonia, and Manic also call Robotnik "'Robuttnik" and "Robarfnik", as opposed to just Sonic referring to him by that name.'
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